Definition of Dog biscuit

1. Noun. A hard biscuit for dogs.

Generic synonyms: Biscuit, Cookie, Cooky

Definition of Dog biscuit

1. Noun. food for dogs, compressed into a small dry shape. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dog Biscuit

dog-whistle politics
dog and bone
dog and bones
dog and cat
dog and pony show
dog and pony shows
dog around
dog bag
dog bee
dog bent
dog biscuit
dog biscuits
dog bite
dog bone
dog bones
dog breeding
dog catcher
dog collar
dog collars
dog day
dog days
dog disease
dog diseases
dog distemper virus

Literary usage of Dog biscuit

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Elementary Economics: With Special Reference to Social and Business by Charles Manfred Thompson (1919)
"... his biscuit or the dog's biscuit? Supposing, as we have, that he values his life more highly than he does that of the dog, and that he will need to ..."

2. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London by Pathological Society of London (1895)
"The substitution of a more palatable food, such as meat instead of dog biscuit (these animals will eat meat greedily when refusing biscuit), ..."

3. The American Journal of Psychology by Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener (1907)
"I have fed them entirely on dog biscuit, then put them on a meat diet, changed to a varied diet, and then returned to the dog biscuit without much apparent ..."

4. The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition: The Use of Food for the Preservation of by Elmer Verner McCollum (1922)
"He fed three pigeons exclusively on dog biscuit which had been very completely extracted ... It was then fed unextracted dog biscuit until the 98th day. ..."

5. The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society by Manchester Geographical Society (1906)
"This biscuit is about as near a tiling to a dog biscuit as I can imagine. Its chief difference is that there are no little specks of meat dotted all over it ..."

6. The American Hunting Dog: Modern Strains of Bird Dogs and Hounds, and Their by Warren Hastings Miller (1919)
"I have had her for about two weeks and have fed her dog biscuit, meat, cereal and milk. A few days ago she passed a large number of worms. ..."

7. Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship by Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Neumann Sverdrup (1898)
"The dog-biscuit cases were now shifted a little more forward for greater safety. We also found several minor cracks in the ice around the vessel. ..."

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